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Essential elements of a sound research paper – prof. Alex Koohang, 26.11.2014

wtorek 18.11.2014

Zapraszamy na wystąpienie prof. Alexa Koohanga pt.: Essential elements of a sound research paper, które odbędzie się w środę 26.11.2014 o godz. 9:15 w sali Rady Wydziału, sala 116, budynek nr 7.

Dziekan Wydziału Nauk Ekonomicznych SGGW Dr hab. Jarosław Gołębiewski, prof. SGGW

Dr hab. Joanna Paliszkiewicz, prof. SGGW

Dr. Alex Koohang  is Professor of Information Technology and Dean of Middle Georgia State’s School of Information Technology, USA. He is currently serving as the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Computer Information Systems. Dr. Koohang is active in research and writing. He is an expert in e-learning and IS/IT curriculum design. He has recently helped design a world-class IT program in MGA’s School of Information Technology, leading it to ABET accreditation. His current research interest include e-learning, active learning, knowledge management, and IT/IS curriculum design. Dr. Koohang is the Peyton Anderson Eminent Scholar and Endowed Chair in Information Technology at Middle Georgia State. He is a Fellow at the Informing Science Institute and  was named the 2009 Computer Educator of the Year by the International Association of Computer Information Systems.

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