Prof. Josu Takala, University of Vaasa, Finlandia – seminarium 4 listopada 2014 r.
Serdecznie zapraszamy na seminarium na którym wykład wygłosi Prof. Josu Takala, University of Vaasa.
Temat seminarium:
Smart Specialization in Ostrobothnia – for regional innovations within Renewable Energy
Seminarium odbędzie się 4 listopada 2014 roku w godzinach 12-14 w sali Rady Wydziału w budynku 7
Dziekan Wydziału Nauk Ekonomicznych
Dr hab. Jarosław Gołębiewski, prof. SGGW
JOSU TAKALA Dr. Tech, Dr. HC, professor in industrial management 1988, at University of Vaasa, Finland. Research professor at University of Vaasa 2006-7 and research professor on Finnish Goverrnment level (Scholarship from Professoripooli in Finland) 2012-13 on comparative research about global manufacturing strategies. Industrial Researcher of Academy of Finland 1985-87. R& – and QA- tasks related to automation business as a researcher and manager in ABB (Asea Brown Boveri) 1979-92. His interest is mainly in technology management in the competitive operative strategies of private and public organizations in manufacturing networks, especially trying to find out answers to the question: how to accomplish sustainable competitive advantage in dynamic business environments?