Journal of Financial Management and Accounting
Journal of Financial Management and Accounting
ISSN 2300-9683
The Journal has been started in 2013 by the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW and is being published quarterly. The Journal aims to publish articles that presents original, discussion research papers in a field of corporate finance, financial institutions finances and public institutions finances and also information system for financial accounting, managerial accounting and controlling purposes. Furthermore, multidisciplinary articles are also published in a broad spectrum of management, economic, logistics, law and agribusiness topics and the like, which have the dominance in aspect of financial, register system of accounting and information for management. Articles written in Polish and English are being accepted. The aim of the Editorial Board is to introduce the Journal in the middle of 2015 on the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education Evaluated Journals List.
- Prof. dr hab. Bogdan Klepacki, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW – chairman (Poland)
- Prof. dr Agnes Csiszarik-Kocsir, Óbuda University (Hungary)
- Prof. dr hab. Anatolii Chupis, Sumy National Agrarian University (Ukraine)
- Prof. Carlo Giannetto, University of Messina (Italy)
- Prof. dr hab. Irena Jędrzejczyk, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW (Poland)
- Prof. Maurizio Lanfranchi, University of Messina (Włochy)
- Prof. William Meyer, Agricultural and Applied Economics of Missouri State University (USA)
- Prof. dr Baiba Rivza, Latvia University of Agriculture (Latvia)
- Prof. dr hab. Henryk Runowski, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW (Poland)
- Dr hab. Judit Sági, Budapest Business School (Hungary)
- Prof. dr Peter Schuster, Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
- Prof. dr hab. Maria Sierpińska, Cracow University of Economics (Poland)
- Dr hab. Nataliia Vasilievska, National Agricultural Univeristy of Ukraine (Ukraine)
- Prof. dr Mario Strassberger, Zittau/Goerlitz University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
- Prof. dr hab. Valeriy Zhuk, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (Ukraine)
- Prof. dr hab. Dariusz Zarzecki, Szczecin University (Poland)
- Dr hab. Mirosław Wasilewski, prof. nadzw. SGGW, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW – Editor-in-Chief,
- Dr Magdalena Mądra-Sawicka, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW – Deputy Editor-in-Chief,
- Dr Magdalena Mądra-Sawicka, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW – subject editor (finance),
- Dr Grażyna Rembielak-Vitchev, University of Salford, England – subject editor (economy),
- Dr Kevin Rowles, University of Huddersfield, England – subject editor (accounting),
- Dr Marzena Ganc, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW – subject editor (accounting),
- Dr hab. Tomasz Siudek, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW - subject editor (banking),
- Dr hab. Joanna Kisielińska, prof. nadzw. SGGW, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW – statistical editor,
- Dr Adam Sułkowski, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA – language editor (english),
- Agata Kropiwiec, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW – language editor (polish).
- Editorial Office accepts articles that were not submitted elsewhere and concerns economic issues, especially in range of finance and accounting.
- The article should be sent via mail (Ms Word Document) to Editorial Office to: (template with editorial standards)
- Polish article should have title, key words and abstract in Polish as well as in English. English articles have title, key words and abstract in English (Polish abstract is not obligatory).
- Editorial Office accepts articles in English.
- The abstract in Polish and English should not be shorter than 5 lines and not longer than 15 lines.
- The article should be divided in no numbered parts.
- The article should consists of following parts: introduction with the aim and research hypothesis, material and methods, conclusions and references.
- Reference to the publications of other authors in the test of the manuscript, should provide a surname and a year in brackets as well as a page number, e.g. [Surname year, p. 5].
- The list of bibliography should be presented in the alphabetic order and contained all reference from the article. The reference should be presents in the following way: author’s (author’s) surname, initials of the first name, year of the publishing if there is more than one paper of the same author published in a given year, after the year it is necessary to mark particular items a, b, c, etc.; title of the paper, bibliographical abbreviation of the publishing house and place of publishing, Number of volume, book and numbers of pages.
Surname N. year: Title, Publishing house, Pace of publishing.
Surname N. year: Tile, Journal, no. vol. X, p. XX-XX.
Surname N. year: Tile, (ed.) N. Surname, Publishing house, Pace of publishing, p. XX-XX. - Paper should be prepared in A-4 format. Margin setting: top 5,0 cm, bottom 5,7 cm, left 4,0 cm, right 4,0 cm. Whole text should be both side align.
- Articles should be prepared according to rules presented in template with editorial standards available on Journal website.
- Size of research paper should not exceed 10-12 pages including tables and figures.
- Figures and pictures will be printed in white and black version, which should be taken under consideration during preparing article to submission.
- If article is based on results funded from research programs, author/author should include the sources of funding.
- Authors are require to convey to Journal property copyrights to their manuscript, including the rights to its reproduction and distribution (copyright transfer agreement) and declare that manuscript is not submitted elsewhere for publication (declaration 1).
- According to antighostwriting and guest authorship Journal policy, Authors are required to submit signed declaration about their contribution made by each other in manuscript (declaration 2).
- The Editors reserves the right to make language adjustments.
- The cost of the publication of the article in the journal is 400 PLN + VAT (23%).
Review process of the submitted articles to Journal of Financial Management and Accounting is consistent with the guidelines of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland.
- Editorial Office selects articles submitted to review process according to consistency with the topic, editorial standard and assess initially form and substance of manuscript.
- Articles accepted by Subject Editor of the Journal are subsequently reviewed by two independent subject experts. The reviewers are anonymous – Author/Authors and reviewers do not know each other identity („double-blind review process”).
- Submitted articles are reviewed by experts from other institution/university than home university or scientific intuition of Author/Authors.
- Editorial Office do not sent articles to reviewers who have obvious conflict of interest with any Author/Authors.
- Reviews are in a written form and end up with unequivocal conclusion if manuscript is permitted to printing without any remarks, conditionally permitted to printing (after remarks of the reviewer are considered) or is not permitted to printing (negative review) (review).
- Editorial Office do not accept manuscripts that were submitted and published elsewhere.
- Article will be accepted by Editorial Office after obtaining two positive reviews.
- Editorial Office publish once a year on the Journal website and in the last issue of the Journal in current year the whole list of reviewers.
Editorial Office of “Journal of Financial Management and Accounting”
Faculty of Economic Sciences
Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW
Nowoursynowska Street 166
02-787 Warsaw
Published issues
The Journal of Financial Management and Accounting is being published in
- issue 1/2016
- issue 1/2015
- issue 2/2015
- issue 3/2015
- issue 4/2015
- issue 1/2014
- issue 2/2014
- issue 3/2014
- issue 4/2014
- issue 1/2013
- issue 2/2013
The journal is indexed in databases listed below:
BazEkon (
PBN – Polska Bibliografia Naukowa (
Arianta – naukowe i branżowe polskie czasopisma elektroniczne
Central and Eastern European Online Library