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Smart Specialization in Ostrobothnia – for Regional Innovations

Thursday 6.11.2014

Prof. Josu Takala – a visiting scholar from the University of Vaasa was visiting SGGW and presented open lecture on November 4th 2014. The topic was concerning “Smart Specialization in Ostrobothnia – for Regional Innovations“. The interest of the Prof. Takala is mainly technology management in the competitive operations strategies of private and public organizations in manufacturing networks.

Prof. Takala has been studying the topic for more than 20 years, therefore the presented topic included Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA) survey. Considering the international nature of the research it was noted that study has been conducted in several countries including and not limited to Finland, Poland, Macedonia, Slovenia, Slovakia, China and Thailand.

The Study presentation has noted 4 peaks of industries, also including the examples of Nokia.

Further the components leading to SCA were discussed with focus of how to survive strategy, define operational strategy, resource allocation, future strategy. Once the expectations and experience was compared it was concluded that average level of expectations are much higher than average level of experience thus leading to targets not always been achieved.

After discussing the results from nine companies of energy sector it was concluded that the development potential is at University research levels.

After the Q&A session with students the open lecture was finalized.

.: Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych SGGW w Warszawie :.
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