Journal of Tourism and Regional Development
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„Journal of Tourism and Regional Development”
ISSN 2353-9178
Information about the journal
Journal of Tourism and Regional Development be issued from 2014 by the Faculty of Economic Sciences WULS-SGGW. It is a continuation of a series of scientific publications published by the Department of Education Economics, Communication and Counselling.
Articles can be in English or Polish. The intention of editors is to introduce the journal for magazines bulleted list of Ministry of Science and Higher Education in 2016.
The editor in chief is Professor Krystyna Krzyżanowska, and secretary PhD Jan Zawadka.
Program Council
- Prof. Jarosław Gołębiewski – Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW (Poland)
- Prof. Jan Sikora – Poznań University of Economics (Poland)
- Prof. Izabella Sikorska-Wolak – State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska (Poland)
- Prof. Andrzej Wiatrak – University of Warsaw (Poland)
- Prof. Olena Slavkova – Sumy National Agrarian University (Ukraine)
- Prof. Josu Takala – University of Vaasa (Finland)
- Prof. Brigita Žuromskaite – Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania)
- Prof. Lubov Mykhaylova – Sumy National Agrarian University (Ukraine)
- Prof. Ivan Mostoviak – Uman National University of Horticulture (Ukraine)
- Prof. Vitaliy Rybchak – Uman National University of Horticulture (Ukraine)
- Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Krystyna Krzyżanowska
- Secretary of the Editorial Board: Ph.D. Jan Zawadka
- Subject editors
- Tourism: Prof. Henryk Tracz, Prof. Irena Ozimek, Ph.D. Eng. Agata Balińska
- Consulting and Entrepreneurship: Ph.D. Eng. Anna J. Parzonko, Ph.D. Eng. Anna Sieczko
- Information management: Prof. Joanna Paliszkiewicz, Ph.D. Eng. Ewa Jaska, Ph.D. Eng. Agnieszka Werenowska, Ph.D. Eng. Ewa Stawicka
- Regional development: Prof. Zbigniew Brodziński, Prof. Iwona Kowalska
- Language editor (polish): M.Sc. Agata Kropiwiec
- Language editor (english): Ph.D. Christian Richter
- Statistical editor: Prof. Joanna Kisielińska
The subject matter of publications
The journal serves as a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experiences of people of science, industry and public administration authorities, whose research interests and activities are centered around the theme of tourism and regional development.
Indexation in databases
Editors is in the works whose purpose is to introduce the journal to the base Index Copernicus, BazEkon and POL-index.
Instructions for Authors
- For assessment and publication shall be adopted in unpublished studies in Polish or English on tourism and regional development.
- Articles should be sent electronically (MS Word format) to the e-mail address: lub
- The volume of the article with tables, graphs, photographs, etc. should not exceed 12 pages in A4 size and margins of 2.5 cm on each side.
- The article should be written in Times New Roman 12 pt., line spacing 1.5.
- Required structure of the manuscript:
- Name and surname of the author (s) and their affiliation.
- The title of the article in Polish and English.
- Summary of the paper in Polish and English (5-15 lines).
- Key words in Polish and English (3-6).
- In the structure of the articlemust extract the non-point: introduction of a specific purpose, research methods, research results (debate), summary and literature.
- Address for correspondence (postal and Internet).
- Is allowed to use distinctions in the text using italics and bold, but without underlining words and sentences.
- The width of tables, charts, images and other graphic forms must not exceed 13 cm and its height 17 cm; to their numeration should be used Arabic numerals. All tables, charts, images and other graphic forms should have a title and source and be made only in grayscale.
- Charts, tables, diagrams, etc. must be editable – should be created in a text editor MS Word, and not included in the form of photos or copied from an Excel spreadsheet – it prevents the necessary editing.
- Citing in text the publications of other authors should use footnotes formula:
- Blaug: Teoria ekonomii. Ujęcie retrospektywne. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 1994, p. 466.
- Panasiuk: Jakość w gospodarce turystycznej. [in:] Gospodarka turystyczna. Ed. A. Panasiuk. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2008, pp. 53-58.
- P. Wiatrak: Wpływ agroturystyki na zagospodarowanie obszarów wiejskich. „Zagadnienia Ekonomiki Rolnej” 1996, No. 1, pp. 35-36.
- Korzystając ze źródeł internetowych, należy podać adres strony oraz datę dostępu według wzoru: [20.01.2016].
The next citations of the same work: A.P. Wiatrak: Wpływ agroturystyki… op. cit., p. 37.
- Literature should be in the alphabetical order as follows:
- Blaug M.: Teoria ekonomii. Ujęcie retrospektywne. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 1994.
- Panasiuk A.: Jakość w gospodarce turystycznej. [in:] Gospodarka turystyczna. Ed. naukowa A. Panasiuk. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2008.
- Wiatrak A.P.: Wpływ agroturystyki na zagospodarowanie obszarów wiejskich. „Zagadnienia Ekonomiki Rolnej” 1996, No. 1.
- When an article is based on the results of research funded under research programs, the authors are asked to indicate the source of funds.
- The author published article transfers the copyright to the publisher and makes a declaration that the work has not been published in another journal (statement 1).
- In order to prevent the occurrence of cases of ghostwriting and guest authorship Authors will be sent statements concerning their contribution to the creation of publications (statement 2).
- After receiving a review Author I refer a corrected work electronically. The editors reserve the right to make cuts and modifications and to suggest amendments and additions agreed with the author.
The procedure for review
The procedure for review of articles submitted to the journal Tourism and Regional Development is in line with the guidelines Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
- Editors made a preliminary assessment of the merits and technical side of articles submitted for review.
- Approved by the thematic editor thematic work will be submitted for review to two independent reviewers, along with the principles of anonymity („double-blind review process”).
- Articles are reviewed by people from outside the research unit affiliated by the Authors.
- The editors have regard to the procedure of reviewing avoid conflicts of interests between the author / authors and reviewers.
- Reviews are written form and end with the application for admission or not to allow the article for publication (form of review).
- Editors will not accept studies already published in other magazines, monographs or secondary studies.
- Papers will be accepted for publication in case of receiving two positive reviews.
- In case of two negative reviews article is rejected.
- In case of two extremes reviews is appointed third reviewer, making a conclusive assessment.
- Editors announces the list of co-reviewers in the last issue of the year and on the journal’s website.
The journal is published in paper form.
Cooperating reviewers
Balińska Agata, Brodziński Zbigniew, Daniłowska Alina, Franc-Dąbrowska Justyna, Gołębiewska Barbara, Jaska Ewa, Kisielińska Joanna, Kowalska Iwona, Krzyżanowska Krystyna, Nesterchuk Yuliia, Ozimek Irena, Paliszkiewicz Joanna, Parzonko Anna J., Roman Michał, Sieczko Anna, Sikora Jan, Sikorska-Wolak Izabella, Sokołowa Sofia, Stawicka Ewa, Tracz Henryk, Tranczenko Ludmiła, Werenowska Agnieszka, Wiatrak Andrzej P., Wołoszyn Jan.
Editorial office Journal of Tourism and Regional Development
Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW
Faculty of Economic Sciences
Department of Education Economics, Communication and Counselling
Nowoursynowska 166
02-787 Warsaw
Published issues