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Ten years of Euroleague for Life Sciences

Sunday 14.04.2013

The Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS) is a network of leading universities cooperating in the fields of Natural Resource Management, Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Life Sciences, Veterinary Sciences, Food Sciences, and Environmental Sciences. ELLS offers


  • International Master Programmes
  • Summer Schools and Intensive Programmes
  • Student Exchange – Grants and Awards
  • International Networking


This year Faculty of Economic Sciences at WULS-SGGW was the host institution for Summer School: “Economics, Management and Social Sciences: Their Application in Rural Development”. Under the great favour of WULS Rector – Professor Alojzy Szymanski and Dean of Faculty of Economic Sciences – Professor Bogdan Klepacki, the course took place in Kiry near Zakopane in university’s training centre situated in Tatra National Park in south Poland.

There were 12 participants from all over the word studying in leading European universities like: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala, Wageningen University, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences-BOKU in Vienna, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart and Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW.

The course consisted of lectures prepared by Proffessors, presentations made by students and PhD Students and tree case studies concernig regional products in Podhale region.

Summer Schools are a great possibility for participants to present the ideas or results of their research, exchange of research information but what is more important esspecialy for young scientists, hearing helpful and constructive remarks and advices.

Let’s hope that the idea of Summer Scholl will be cultivated and more and more students will have a chance to take a part in it.

You can find all crusial information about Euroleague and Summer Schools on You are all welcome.


Dr Aleksandra Gorecka

.: Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych SGGW w Warszawie :.
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