Acta Scientiarum Polonorum
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Programming Board
- Wiesław Nagórko (Warsaw),
- Ryszard Źróbek (Olsztyn),
- Józef Bieniek (Krakow),
- Krzysztof Szkucik (Lublin),
- Ewa Sobecka (Szczecin),
- Janusz Prusiński (Bydgoszcz),
- Jerzy Sobota (Wrocław) – chairman,
- Stanisław Socha (Siedlce), Waldemar Uchman (Poznan)
Oeconomia Scientific Board
- Carol J. Cumber (South Dakota State University, Brookings, USA),
- Michael Ireland (University of Plymouth, UK),
- Roman Kisiel (University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn),
- Vera Majerova (Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague),
- Wiesław Musiał (University of Agriculture in Krakow),
- Burak Nakiboglu (Cukurova University, Turkey),
- Janina Sawicka (Faculty of Economic Sciences – Warsaw University of Life Sciences) – chairperson,
- Barbara Kutkowska (Wrocław University of Life Sciences),
- Harun Ucak (Nigde University, Turkey),
- Dorota Witkowska (Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science – Warsaw University of Life Sciences)
Editing committee:
- Mirosława Braja (Warsaw University of Life Sciences) – Oeconomia Secretary, e-mail:
- Renata Marks – Bielska – University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn – thematic editor
- Tomasz Wojewodzic – Agicultural University in Krakow – thematic editor
- Wojciech Pizło – WULS-SGGW – thematic editor
- Maria Parlińska – WULS-SGGW – statistical editor
- Michael Miller – South Dakota State University – language consultant
- Kuo-Liang “Matt” Chiang – South Dakota State University – language consultant
The printed version of Acta Sci. Pol. seria Oeconomia is an original version
of the journal.
From the Scientific Board
There has been the twelfth year of the Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Oeconomia publishing. The Acta is the periodical including several thematic series with uniform graphics and similar format. The publication was set up by group of enthusiasts – employees of agricultural universities and has been published under the patronage of rectors of these universities. Current involvement of academic society in increasing substantive and editorial level of the series, with efforts of the authors, the Programming Board and the Scientific Boards, has contributed to placing the Acta Scientiarum Polonorum (and our Oeconomia series) on the noticeable position in academic research society. Articles can be prepared in Polish with English titles, abstract and keywords. Moreover, we publish also issues in English only. The Scientific Board of the Oeconomia series, concerning the publication range, focus their attention both on substantive content and precision of the form. The articles are revised in “double-blind review” process. All issues of the Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Oeconomia are available in electronic version on the following website and abstracts on We are glad to inform that Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Oeconomia are indexed within the AGRIS-FAO, EBSCO, SIGŻ, Copernicus Index, AGRO. Since 2013 every article published in Acta Sci. Pol. Oeconomia is obtaining 10 points at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education ranking list.
Please send the articles on one of following e-mail addresses:
While sending a printout, please attach also the electronic version on CD or DVD. Letters including note “the Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Oeconomia” should be sent on the following address:
Prof. dr hab. Janina Sawicka
Department of European Policy, Public Finances and Marketing
Faculty of Economic Sciences
Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Nowoursynowska 166, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland
tel.: (+4822) 593 40 70; fax: (+4822) 593 40 77
Yours sincerely
Janina Sawicka
Chairperson of the Scientific Board of the Acta Sci. Pol. Oeconomia series