Euroleague for Life Sciences – Summer School 2016
Euroleague for Life Sciences – Summer School 2016
July 3 – 9, 2016 in Vienna, Austria
This Summer School is an international cooperation within the scope of the Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS) and is organised by faculties and departments that focus on economics, management and social sciences from BOKU Vienna, CULS Prague, SGGW Warsaw and Wageningen University in cooperation with the University of Hohenheim, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and the University of Copenhagen and is also open for students from other universities. It addresses rural development issues in interdisciplinary views and aims to bring students and teachers from various countries and fields of work together in order to discuss subjects, to exchange knowledge, to improve the quality of students’ work and to improve the skills of students in a practical project. The summer school offers the possibility for students to present drafts of their works (Master or PhD theses) and to develop them. During the course issues of rural development will get presented and argued in order to expand the knowledge of the participating students and to talk about actual topics and problems of rural development. Additionally, an excursion will be organized so as to actually view and discuss some issues of rural development. |
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This Summer School targets Master and PhD students, who deal with rural development and are interested to exchange knowledge in an international scope.The number of participants is limited to maximal 20 students. |
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