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Wednesday 12.06.2013

Department of Economics and Economic Policy kindly invites you to participate in the international scientific conference “The Problems of Rural Areas and Agri-Food Sector from the Perspective of Contemporary Economic Thought”, fifth in the series: „Changes in Agri-Food Sector in European Countries”. The conference will take place on the 5th of December 2013.

Scope of the conference:

  1. Contemporary economic thought and current problems of agriculture and rural areas
  2. Interdisciplinary approach to agri-food sector (economics, sociology, management)
  3. Structural change in agriculture from the perspective of new political economy
  4. Contemporary concepts of social and economic welfare related to rural areas
  5. Markets, firms, and bureaucracy as structures of governance
  6. Market failures and government failures in agri-food sector


We are waiting for your applications followed with long abstracts (about 2500 characters including spaces) until the 24th of June. Deadline for full papers is the 9th of September.

Detailed information, including application forms, editorial requirements, the conference program and additional practical information are posted on the website:

.: Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych SGGW w Warszawie :.
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