Visiting teacher Dr. Burak Nakiboglu – Cukurova University, Adana (Turkey)
On 18th-22nd November 2013 Faculty of Economic Sciences had the pleasure to host Dr. Burak Nakiboglu who is the scientist and coordinator of international programmes of the Faculty of Economics and Administration at University of Cukurova in Adana (Turkey).
Mr Naikiboglu gave a lecture on “Consumer behaviour in social marketing on a case of Sun Protection and Young Adults”, which was attended by Polish students, foreign ones who residing in student exchanges in Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW and the staff of the Faculty. In addition, students had the opportunity to discuss the study at the University of Cukurova. Lively discussion after the Dr. Nakiboglu, confirmed that the subject is extremely interesting.
Invited by Prof. Joanna Szwacka- Mokrzycka, Mr. Nakiboglu was also a guest of the seminar the Department of European Policy, Public Finance and Marketing, and presented the possibilities of research collaboration with the Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Cukurova. Cooperation which appeared to be possible in research area will be both joint research projects and the possibility of publication.
During hosting WULS-SGGW Dr. Nakiboglu participated in meetings with Dean Assoc. Jarosław Gołębiewski , Dean for Co-operation with domestic and foreign units Dr. Nina Drejerska, Dean’s proxy for the exchange student Dr. Agnieszka Parlińska. These meetings focused on the possibilities of expanding cooperation in the framework of the available programs and the launch new channels based on the programs and grants available in Turkey.
At the end Dr. Nakiboglu had a meeting with 23 Turkish students under the Erasmus program. Students presented their experience of studying at Warsaw Agricultural University and showed a campus.
Dr. Nakiboglu’s visit at WULS-SGGW and in Warsaw was organised and coordinated by Dr. Joanna Chudzian and Dr. Aleksandra Górecka .