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Scientific Journal Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW - Problems of word agriculture, v. 6(21): 2009 - pobierz cały numerstronyartykuł
1.Boldak A., Pestis M., Pestis P., Rudenko D., Rudenko E. Agroecotourism development in the Republic of Belarus 5-9
2.Bratka V., Praulinš A. Diversity of Farm Indebtedness in Latvia and Poland: a Comparative Study 10-25
3.Dibrova L., Dibrova A. Domestic support for Ukrainian agriculture under the conditions of world financial crisis 26-32
4.Górecki J., Halicka E. Human and social capital in agricultural and rural development (Polish experiences) 33-40
5.Gradziuk K. Development of food industry in Poland in the years 1998-2007 41-50
6.Kobus P. Wheat yields variability in Poland at NUTS 2 level in context of production risk 51-58
7.Manteuffel-Szoege H., Sobolewska A. Life cycle analysis with regard to environmental impact of apple wholesale packaging 59-68
8.Degtyarevich L., Degtyarevich N., Sychtevnik A. Influence of the state support on the efficiency of dairy farms in Byelorussia 69-73
9.Bíró B., Szocs E. Territorial differences of climate change impact on Romanian crop production 74-87
10.Tabeau A. Influence of macro-economic growth, CAP reforms and biofuel policy on the Polish agri-food sector in 2007–2020 88-97

Kontakt w sprawie działania strony i zawartości : ludwik_wicki@sggw.pl